After School Academics
A tutor is available to help address any academic gaps or needs that students may have. Teachers notify parents/guardians and recommend their child to attend the After School Academics (ASA) program, which runs for approximately 60 minutes after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Students can be picked up by their parent/guardian, walk/ride home, or take the shuttle bus.
For students to participate, teachers are responsible for obtaining signed permission slips from parents/guardians and submitting them to the ASA coordinator. Teachers must also fill out a form outlining why they believe the student would benefit from ASA and identify the specific areas in which the student is struggling. Additionally, teachers must set measurable and evaluative goals for the student's progress. It is important for teachers to maintain regular communication with the ASA instructor to assess whether the goals are being met and if adjustments are necessary.
Students can receive up to three discipline referrals before they may be removed from the program, and parents/guardians will be contacted by ASA teachers or the coordinator after each referral.